%-- Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: wzhang Date: 7/2/18 Time: 4:02 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%--The API interface can be invoked by user using a broad range of programming languages (python, Java, etc.), and all association data can be retrieved by providing the association identifier (ID) in ncRNAVar, e.g. NCRV0000000100.
Example url: http://lilab2.sysu.edu.cn/ncrnavar/Association_ID/NCRV0000000100 |
Optional parameter: Association identifier (string)---This is the association identifier(ID) in ncRNAVar, e.g. NCRV0000000100.
{ "name": "Brett", "address":"北京路23号", "email": "123456@qq.com" }
--%>{"Results":[{"ncRNAVar_ID":"NCRV0000000100","ncRNA_Symbol":"hsa-mir-26a-1","Category":"miRNA","SNP":"rs7372209","Ontology_ID":"EFO_0005922","Disease_Name":"Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma","Score":"0.33","Allel":"ATTAATCCTT(T > C)GTACCACGTG","Chromosome_position":"chr3: 37969217","CAF":"0.2015,0.7985","TOPMED":"0.21918800968399592,0.78081199031600407","GVAVA":"Region score:0.25; TSS score:0.19; Unmatched score:0.58; Average GERP:0.42166831683168315","CADD":"GeneName:CTDSPL; CADD-Score:2; Consquence:intron; GeneID:ENSG00000144677; TranscriptID:ENST00000273179; AnnoType:INTRONIC; mirSVR-Score:NA; mirSVR-E:NA | GeneName:MIR26A1; CADD-Score:1; Consquence:upstream; GeneID:ENSG00000199075; TranscriptID:ENST00000362205; AnnoType:UPSTREAM; mirSVR-Score:NA; mirSVR-E:NA | GeneName:NA; CADD-Score:4; Consquence:regulatory; GeneID:NA; TranscriptID:ENSR00000682913; AnnoType:REGULATORY; mirSVR-Score:NA; mirSVR-E:NA | ","Ontology_ID":"EFO_0005922","Disease_Name":"Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma","Definition":"A squamous cell carcinoma arising from the esophagus. It is associated with a long history of tobacco and alcohol abuse and is exceedingly rare before the age of 30. The median age is around 65 in both males and females. It is located mostly in the middle and lower third of the esophagus. Grossly, polypoid, ulcerated, plaque-like and occult lesions have been described. The microscopic features are the same as in other squamous cell carcinomas. Any degree of differentiation may occur, and variation within a single tumor is common. The prognosis is poor.;A squamous cell carcinoma arising from the esophagus. It is associated with a long history of tobacco and alcohol abuse and is exceedingly rare before the age of 30. The median age is around 65 in both males and females. It is located mostly in the middle and lower third of the esophagus. Grossly, polypoid, ulcerated, plaque-like and occult lesions have been described. The microscopic features are the same as in other squamous cell carcinomas. Any degree of differentiation may occur, and variation within a single tumor is common. The prognosis is poor.","AlternativeName":"cancer of esophagus;carcinoma of esophagus;esophageal cancer;esophagus squamous cell carcinoma","Cross_Reference":"DOID:3748;DOID:5041;MSH:C562729;NCIt:C4024;SNOMEDCT:372138000;OMIM:133239;UMLS:C0279626","ncRNA_Symbol":"hsa-mir-26a-1","Category":"miRNA","NCBI":"-","miRBase":"MI0000083","piRBase":"-","NONCODE":"-","Alias":"miR-26a1; miR-26A-1; miRNA26a-1; miR-26a-1; mir26a-1; mir-26a1","ncRNAVar_ID":"NCRV0000000100","PMID":"24205249","ncRNA":"miR-26A-1","SNP":"rs7372209","Allele":"T","model":"Dominant","sample_size":"In the black ancestry group, 368 cases and 583 controls were recruited, whereas 197 cases and 420 controls were of mixed ancestry. ","Ontology_ID":"EFO_0005922","Drug":"N/A","Responce":"Decreasing risk ","Disease":"Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma","Evidence":"rs7372209-T of miR-26A-1 and its dysfunction is significantly associated with the decreasing risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by using case-control analysis in In the Black ancestry group, 368 cases and 583 controls were recruited, whereas 197 cases and 420 controls were of Mixed Ancestry. .","Evidence_score":"0.4"}]}